Surprisingly the answer is Delta Slot Hang Tabs and Euro Slot Hang Tabs are usually interchangeable and perform identical functions.
Hangtabs, sometimes referred to as “Scotchpads”, “Do-Its” or sticky hooks enable packs without hang sell features (or damaged hangsell features) to be displayed on pegs or hook displays. has a world leading combination of performance, price, packaging and ethical standards in place to satisfy the vast majority of Hangtabs clients. We put the extra thought into the design and manufacture of our product and spend money where it should be spent – avoiding cutting corners or offering dubious materials like PVC peppered(without disclosing it in web information) within our range. Users of “Scotchpads” will often come to us saying we want a product like the “Scotchpad” but without the sharp corners – something we have insured we do not have in our range – spending the money – needing to use more material to avoid this hangtab problem.
Euro slot hang tabs have a closed hanging hole configuration that can hang straight when placed on a single rail or peg or when placed on a dual rail or peg. A Dual rail/peg helps distribute the hanging load on a hangtabs or a hangsell feature of a product. A single rail/peg helps squeeze more products into a given display area. Manufacturers and suppliers who want to have the greatest flexibility for the Point of Sale show to hang their product will choose a Euro slot hangtab so that independent of what the shop has set up single or dual rails they will still be able to hang the products.
Similarly Delta Slot Hangtabs have a closed hanging hole configuration. The Delta Slot hangtabs hang straight on a single or dual rail also. Choosing between a Euro Slot and a Delta Slot profile is more a cosmetic choice. There may be a stronger prevalence of the Delta Slot hang tab in the US markets and a stronger prevalence of the Euro Slot hang tabs in Europe. With the world becoming a smaller place the use of Hangtabs or “Scotchpads” or “Do-its” can take place on one side of the world to be hung on the other side of the world so the mix of Euro Slot hang Tabs and Delta Slot Hang Tabs is becoming more homogenised.
The dual rails or pegs used for Delta slot or Euro Slot hang tabs have a minimum standardised width requiring a delta slot or Euro Slot width of at least 29,5mm. With a slot this big the actual hang Tab width needs to be wider again. In some instances the product to be hung will not be more than 30mm wide and in this case usually a simple Hole Slot hangtab is used as it can have a width of less than 20mm. There is still the option to use Euro slot hang tabs and Delta slot hang tabs – only the adhesive are needs to be trimmed to match the width of the product.
ukhangtabs has Euro slot and Delta slot hang tabs in two formats. There is a sheet format where the hang tabs are laid down in a pattern of 6,8,10 or 12 pieces. These sheets are stacked and packed into tight packed bags and these bags are in turn tight packed into protective cardboard boxes. There is also the Pad form Hangtabs – similar to the Scotchpad product only our hangtabs are again tight-packed into a pe bag and again tight packed into protective cardboard box. The tight packing of the delta slot and euro slot hangtabs gives two very important results – almost no significant shipment damage and hangtabs that are completely flat up to the time you need to add your euro slot or delta slot hangsell feature.